Explore vulnerabilities and address risks with added confidence.

Put Qlarant experts to work protecting your organization. Our investigators and auditors know how to dig deep to expose risks and potential issues — whether we’re exploring for identified concerns or vulnerability or as a check and balance required by government regulation.

Compliance Audits: Our audit team is expert in uncovering whether a company has — or hasn’t — complied with various required industry laws and regulations.

We have long-standing experience in performing compliance audits for private companies that require assessment of organizational adherence with laws, rules and regulations and programs. And our expert auditing team knows how to apply that knowledge to any organization that oversees services in highly regulated fields.

We know the ins and outs of what’s required for compliance audits for federal departments and executive branch agencies. We also know the inestimable value of putting seasoned experts to work to protect your organization.

Due Diligence Audits: Due diligence can help prospective buyers be certain that they’re acquiring what they expect — without unpleasant risks or compliance issues that can become an inherited liability.

Qlarant investigators and auditors have extensive experience identifying areas prone to exploitation and fraud, waste and abuse. More importantly, we can suggest actionable ways forward to address any vulnerabilities. Talk to a Qlarant compliance and due diligence expert to see how we can protect your organization.

Let's Talk About Compliance & Due Diligence Solutions

How can Qlarant help you? Let us focus your compliance and due diligence audits.