Talbot County Empty Bowls Grantee Spotlight

- 2023 Award Amount: $3,500
- 2021 Award Amount: $5,000
- 2020 Award Amount: $5,000
Amy Jacobs
Talbot County Empty Bowls
102 E. Dover Street
Easton, MD 21601
Phone: 443.521.3034
Email: talbotcountyemptybowls@gmail.com
Website: www.talbotcountyemptybowls.org
Striving to Eliminate Hunger
Talbot County Empty Bowls raises awareness and alleviates hunger and food insecurity in Talbot County. Six out of every ten students receive free or reduced meals. 11% of Talbot County residents are food insecure. The Talbot Hunger Coalition expects numbers to rise in 2024 because of the rising cost of food and inflation of other living expenses. The Qlarant Foundation grant funds operating costs and expenses associated with planning and executing the February 2025 Community Gathering Dinner to raise funds to be distributed to local charities focused on alleviating hunger in the community.